Eugene Yagrushkin

Mobile Developer from Vancouver, BC

Awesome Swift 3 closures

Closures { () -> () in }

Closures are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be passed around and used in your code. Closures are similair to Blocks in Objective-C Global and nested functions are actually special cases of closures. Closures are Reference types

Defining a Closure

{ (parameters) -> return type in
var answerToTheUltimateQuestion = { (a: Int) -> (Int) in return a*0 + 42}

Closure as a parameter in a function

sorted(by:) - method provided by a Swift standard library, sorts an array, based on sorting closure

let minorCharacters = ["Agrajag", "Mrs Alice Beeblebrox", "The Allitnils", "Aseed", "Colin"]

func sortBackward(_ s1: String, _ s2: String) -> Bool {
    return s1 > s2

var reversedNames = minorCharacters.sorted(by: sortBackward)

or you can add closure directly as an argument

let majorCharacters = [ "Arthur Dent", "Ford Prefect", "Zaphod Beeblebrox", "Marvin the Paranoid Android", "Trillian", "Slartibartfast"]

var reversedNames1 = majorCharacters.sorted(by: { (name1: String, name2: String) -> Bool in return name1 > name2 })

Swift can infer the types of its parameters and return type

var reversedNames1 = majorCharacters.sorted(by: { (name1, name2) in return name1 > name2 })

Shorthand Argument Names

Swift also provide shorthand argument names $0, $1 … For a ingle-expression closures you can omit the retrun keyword

var reversedNames1 = majorCharacters.sorted(by: { $0 > $1 })

Closures can capture references to any constants and variables from their surrounding context

Use Weak and unowned

func findTheAnswer(forValue value: Int) -> () -> Bool {
    var theAnswer = 0
        func DeepThought() -> Bool {
            if theAnswer + value == 42{
                return true
            return false
    return DeepThought

Trailing closure

A clouser in function’s final argument can be written after the function call’s parentheses

Long version

func answer(toTheQuestion: () -> Void){

answer( toTheQuestion: {

Short version

answer {

Escaping Closures


The @autoclosure argument can be applied to an argument of function type which takes no parameters. At the call site, the caller provides an expression for that argument. This expression is then implicitly wrapped in a function, and that function is passed in as the parameter

func AnswerToTheUltimateQuestion( answer: @autoclosure () -> Int) { 

AnswerToTheUltimateQuestion(answer: 42)

is equal to

func AnswerToTheUltimateQuestion( answer: () -> Int) {

AnswerToTheUltimateQuestion(answer: {42})


Functions are self-contained chunks of code that perform a specific task

Defining a Functions

Calling Function Function Type Function is a first class citizen passing and returning a function

Varadic functions

TODO [ ] Trailing Closures

[x] Autoclosures

[ ] Escaping Closures

[ ] Closures Are Reference Types

Inspired by


Swift Asserts by Mike Ash